All Stories

Tricia’s Story
TW: suicide This year I have been hospitalized twice for my mental illness due to medical complications. At the time, I felt there was no hope and I would NEVER get better. I struggled with intrusive thoughts and suicidal ideations, and I struggled with just making it through the day. With the help of my

Kelly’s Story
“I am Kelly E., and I live in New Hampshire. I have a serious mental illness and autism spectrum disorder. I am the President of People First of New Hampshire, a nonprofit organization led by people with disabilities that advocates for equal rights. I am a strong advocate and won a statewide advocacy award in

Mitzi’s Story
Transcript: Hey everyone, my name is Mitzi Bachmann and I’m coming to you from over in Peterborough New Hampshire. I’m here to tell you a little bit about my experience living with mental illness and the successes that I’ve had in spite of it. Um, so for as far back as I can remember, all

Karen’s Story
TW: suicidal ideation Transcript: Hi I’m Karen and I have PTSD and depression with psychotic features. That just means sometimes I have hallucinations or delusions with my depression. Early on in my journey I couldn’t understand how deeply my untreated mental illness could affect my life. Crazy, you betcha that didn’t mean I shouldn’t pull

Amy Moffett – Follow the Path
When I find myself struggling, I look to nature to center myself and point me in the right direction.