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Likhita smiles at the camera, wearing a purple shirt.

Likhita’s Story: The Psychology Club

The pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of millions of people. I am one of the many people who has been mentally affected by the social isolation. When I recently hurt my ankle in a soccer game, the period of recovery affected me both physiologically and psychologically. I said to myself, “I can’t be depressed for

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Rose stands at a microphone, in front of a projected image, giving a presentation.

Rose Muise’s Story

I’m sorry I lost touch. I’m sorry I didn’t call, didn’t write, didn’t reach out, pushed you away, let connections fail. Sometimes I get paranoid. Worried. Anxious. Do you hold it against me? All the things I did, didn’t do, said, didn’t say, when I was sick. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest. With you, and

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Thomas sits in his wheelchair, surrounded in green plants, holding a basket of tomatoes.

Thomas Jimino’s Story

I don’t consider myself or my story all that special, but maybe there will be a little something in it that will touch someone enough to get them through just one more day….Just….One….More….Day…. That day when you feel so much emotional pain that you don’t think you’re gonna make it. When it takes all you’ve

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Aaron sits on a rock with mountains in the background. He is smiling widely.

Aaron’s Story – My Brother’s Mental Illness

Where do I even begin? For all of you that know me, know that I would rather talk about anything but my brother, Kyle. My big brother. My mentor, and for many years, my role model. Someone I always looked up to. I can remember when he started junior high and wasn’t around in the

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Woman in a black shirt with a wood and fabric background

Tonia’s Story

My name is Tonia, and this is my story. I always knew that I had something wrong with me, but I was not sure what it was. In 2008, I had my first relapse and I thought my world was over, but it wasn’t. I went to DHMC several times and even had ECT treatments,

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