About 603 Stories
Launched in 2020, the 603 Stories anti-stigma campaign uses story sharing to reduce the stigma around mental illness that can prevent Granite Staters from connecting to support and resources. One in five U.S. adults experience mental illness, with 17% of youth (6 – 17 years old) experiencing a mental health condition. If you or a family member/loved one have been affected by mental illness or suicide, we encourage you to share your experience to help your neighbors. Folks have used a variety of mediums to share their stories: from written word to video, painting to photography, all forms of expression are welcome.
By learning about mental health and suicide prevention, and connecting with fellow Granite Staters through our shared stories, we will decrease stigma and increase hope. We’ll see each other, and not just the labels of mental illness. Help is available, recovery is the expectation, and you are not alone.
The 603 Stories initiative is coordinated by NAMI New Hampshire, with major support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the NH Department of Health & Human Services Bureau of Mental Health Services.