
Tonia’s Story

Woman in a black shirt with a wood and fabric background

My name is Tonia, and this is my story. I always knew that I had something wrong with me, but I was not sure what it was. In 2008, I had my first relapse and I thought my world was over, but it wasn’t. I went to DHMC several times and even had ECT treatments,

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Tricia’s Story

Woman in a mask holding an I Walk sign for NAMIWalks NH

TW: suicide This year I have been hospitalized twice for my mental illness due to medical complications. At the time, I felt there was no hope and I would NEVER get better. I struggled with intrusive thoughts and suicidal ideations, and I struggled with just making it through the day. With the help of my

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Kelly’s Story

Woman holding a microphone. Kelly Ehrhart founding member of ABLE NH's Nashua Chapter

“I am Kelly E., and I live in New Hampshire. I have a serious mental illness and autism spectrum disorder. I am the President of People First of New Hampshire, a nonprofit organization led by people with disabilities that advocates for equal rights. I am a strong advocate and won a statewide advocacy award in

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Mitzi’s Story

Transcript: Hey everyone, my name is Mitzi Bachmann and I’m coming to you from over in Peterborough New Hampshire. I’m here to tell you a little bit about my experience living with mental illness and the successes that I’ve had in spite of it. Um, so for as far back as I can remember, all

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Karen’s Story

TW: suicidal ideation Transcript: Hi I’m Karen and I have PTSD and depression with psychotic features. That just means sometimes I have hallucinations or delusions with my depression. Early on in my journey I couldn’t understand how deeply my untreated mental illness could affect my life. Crazy, you betcha that didn’t mean I shouldn’t pull

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Seated woman smiling

My ghosts are invisible to eyes other thanOnes trained by history to see themI try to blind myself to their presenceYet their darkness penetrates my eyelids Their voices soundlessly fall upon unknowing companionsYet their silence screams into my headShowering me with hateful words Worthless. Stupid. Loser.You deserved what you got.You are destroyed – why even

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Sculpture of a mask painted in red, pink, black, blue, and yellow

In 2016 I was gifted my Native American name, Strong Woman with Listening Heart. “But Grandmother,” I said, “I don’t live up to that name.” She replied that it is up to us to strive to our names.  I do listen to others with genuine love and caring. I also listen to the Universe –

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