603 Stories Podcast
Abby P. and The Connect Suicide Prevention Program
Transcript: INTRO The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the official positions of Nami, New Hampshire or the organization’s funders. All individuals and personal experiences are different. Please connect with your primary care provider or a mental health professional to seek advice
603 Stories – The Impact of Legislation on Mental Health – Part 2
Transcript coming soon
603 Stories – Corey: On Life with Autism
Transcript: Jace Hello everyone, and welcome back to 603 Stories, a mental health podcast made by young adults for young adults. I’m Jace, my pronouns are he/him/his, and I’ll be one of your co-hosts today. Heather I’m Heather. My pronouns are she and they, and I’m your other co-host on this podcast. Just as a
The 603 Stories Podcast is a project dedicated to young adults across the state of New Hampshire, created and produced by young adults.
603 Stories is about making connections, getting help, and finding hope. Young adults are often left out of these conversations due to their age and life experience, therefore they typically relate better with others in their age group.
This is the goal of the 603 Stories Podcast. We intend to give young adults a way to talk about their stories and experiences with others their age, making connections and finding hope for this vulnerable population.
The podcast is planned, written, produced, recorded, edited, and led by young adults aged 18 to 24.
Are you a young adult? Are you interested in helping with the 603 Stories Podcast?
Email 603stories@naminh.org for more information.